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Created on Monday 03 March 2003 by Benjamin Reed

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. What Is Fink? (The Project)
  3. What Is Fink? (The Tool)
  4. Getting Fink
  5. Using Fink (Finding and Installing Software: Source)
  6. Using Fink (Finding and Installing Software: Source Pt. 2)
  7. Using Fink (Finding and installing Software: Binaries)
  8. The Fink Distribution
  9. The Fink Distribution (Pt. 2)
  10. Requests: Fink vs. RPM
  11. Requests: "Interactive Mode"
  12. Requests: Fink Commander
  13. Requests: Fink History
  14. Requests: Demo Software
  15. Wrapup